Monday, March 14, 2011

If You Can Think Big--God Can Think Bigger!

In Luke 1, an angel is talking to Mary and gives her the astounding news that she is going to be pregnant because the power of God is going to overshadow her. Nothing like this in human history had ever happened, nor will ever happen again. Mary has not been married, nor ever been with a man and now she is going to be pregnant? Who on earth has ever heard of such a thing? It is impossible. It only exists in the wildest of imaginations. Besides all of that, who on earth would believe her story? Yet in verse 37, the angel says perhaps some of the most profound words in the whole Bible, “With God nothing is impossible.”

Ephesians 3:20 says that God is “able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” However big you can think—God can think bigger! Who are we to limit God’s power working in us through a spirit of fear? Fear is probably the greatest thing that limits God’s working in our lives. When God shows us what He wants to do that is so over-the-top, supernatural, and spectacular, our initial reaction is to fear because what God says is much bigger than we can imagine ask or think! Over forty years ago, my Grandfather founded one of the greatest churches in America The Church On The Way. Not long ago I was talking with him and he was telling me the story of how God dealt with his heart to stay at that church and to build it up. The Lord spoke to him one day and said, “You must not think too small or you will get in My way.” What a statement! When we live in the fear of the unknown, fear of lack, fear of rejection, and fear of the impossible, we instinctively try to fulfill everything in our own strength. Our fear will actually impede God from doing the impossible!

What is impossible in your life? Restoration of a marriage? Children coming back to the Lord? Physical healing? A better job? A new place to live? Realization of what God told you to do with you life? R.W. Schambach used to always say, “You don’t have any problems, all you need is faith in God.” The more you think about that phrase, the more profound it is. As if God doesn’t have the answers to everything! I can guarantee you that Mary didn’t see this miracle coming—yet God did it beyond all human reason and possibility. God can do the same for you. God can do the same for our church as we enter into this new season. Think BIG because God is ENORMOUS! Nothing is impossible for Him—so don’t limit Him. Just believe what He says!


Pastor Kyle Bauer

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