Saturday, February 19, 2011

February 19

Leviticus 7:28-9:6; Mark 3:31-4:25; Psalm 37:12-29; Proverbs 10:5

Jesus spoke in parables and revealed the secrets of the Kingdom of God to His believers. In the story of the farmer sowing seeds, He gave great insight into being a fruitful follower. The farmer sows seeds, but not all of them take root and grow or bear fruit. Our lives were compared to those seeds. Through our choices and actions, we decide whether to be fruitful or to allow our faith to wither up and die.

Some people are like seeds that fall along the path and are eaten up immediately by the birds. When they hear the Word of God, the devil immediately comes along and snatches it away. For many years, this is who I was - completely closed to any kind of relationship with God. I didn't think I needed Him. I am thankful He gave me another chance!

Another group of people are like seeds that are sown on rocky places. They receive the Word of God with joy, but never put down roots by getting deeper into the Word. Soon the shallowness of their faith causes them to fall away from following the Lord.

The third group of people Jesus refers to in the parable are like seeds that are sown among thorns. They hear the Word, but it is choked out by things of this world: worries, deceitfulness of wealth, desire for other things, etc.

The final group of people Jesus speaks of are like seeds that are sown in good soil. They hear the Word, they accept it and allow it to produce a crop. I want to be counted in this last group...producing a fruitful crop for the Kingdom of God!

My grandparents and great-grandparents were farmers. When I was a little girl, my grandfather taught me to drive in one of his fields. I learned there was a lot of work to be done to the soil before it was ready to be planted.

First, the soil had to be plowed and loosened so the seeds had a safe place to land. My heart must be softened to receive and keep safe the Word of God. That requires me to remove any obstacles in my life that might choke out what God is trying to deposit in can be busyness, wrong relationships, bad habits, unforgiveness, greed... I must daily ask Christ to cleanse my heart and keep it open to Him.

The soil had to receive nutrients and water so the seeds would develop roots. I must hear the Word of God then nurture it through study, fellowship and prayer to create understanding and "feed" my faith. Roots are to seeds like faith is to the's what helps us stand firm through the wind, rain and storms of life.

The soil had to be in a place where it received light from the sun. Without light, the seeds would never grow. I must have a constant relationship with the Son who brings His light into my world. If distractions in my life crowd out His light, I will stop growing and never bear fruit.

Fruitfulness must be our goal. Jesus' parable says the crop from one seed can be as much as a hundred times what was sown. Healthy seeds grow into plants that actually produce more seeds. The fruitfulness of God's people is what keeps the gospel alive! The way we live our lives, first by growing in the Lord, then by shining His light so others know Him, allows us to bring increase to the harvest for God's Kingdom!

Pastor Susan

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