Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February 1

Did you know that there are some things…and some people…that God actually hates? As shocking as that may seem, that is clearly the message of today’s reading from the book of Proverbs (6:16-19).

When I read the seven sins spelled out by the Holy Spirit as being in this category, I am always struck by what is…and by what is not…on his list. Murder? Well, that’s easy to understand. After all, killing an innocent person would probably be characterized as evil enough to merit God’s wrath and vengeance by most anyone.

Learning that God feels just as strongly about deliberately causing division between brothers is a real shocker. In fact, although this particular sin is last on the list, the Holy Spirit unequivocally states that in such cases God not only hates the sin, but also the sinner, i.e., the person who commits it…! A close examination of the list also reveals that God considers dishonesty to be so serious that it is condemned two times, not just once like the other five.

The good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ lets us know, of course, that there is redemption and forgiveness available to us for every sin, including these seven, but the language used by the Holy Spirit to describe the way God feels about these specific things should give us serious pause if we ever allow them to become part of our lives. Take pride, for instance. The Apostle James warns us in his epistle that God is just as active in His opposition to the proud as He is in blessing the humble (James 4:6). Imagine how terrible life could be become were God to actively work against us in all that we do…!

When you read this devotional, I encourage you to pray this prayer,

“Heavenly Father, Please help me to renounce these seven attitudes and actions. I surrender every area of my heart and life to you. Fill me with your Holy Spirit. I need His help to live the way that I should live and to glorify you in everything I am and do. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen!”

Pastor Mark

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