Saturday, January 15, 2011

January 15

Genesis 31:17-32:12; Matthew 10:26-11:6; Psalm 13:1-6; Proverbs 3:16-18

I've lived in the United States all my life...the "land of the free and the home of the brave".  When I started school in 1960, God was still allowed in the classroom. The Ten Commandments were posted on the wall, we started each day with a morning prayer, Christmas programs were about the birth of Christ and the Gideons were welcome guest speakers in assemblies. We heard about the persecution of Christians in other countries but were confident nothing like that could ever happen here...

Fast forward fifty years. One by one, our rights of religious freedom have been legislated away. The secular demand for tolerance has subtly created an intolerance for followers of Christ. It is possible many of us, on account of our faith, will face ridicule, discrimination or worse...just as the disciples did in Bible times.

In 1993, I was one of a few token Christians in an audience stacked with non-believers during the filming of a Phil Donahue show in Dallas. The program that day was one which basically mocked Christianity. I was surrounded by people who jeered and laughed when they discovered I was a believer. The experience was both eye-opening and unsettling. They hated me and they hated my God.

In today's passage, Jesus recognizes we'll face persecution but He doesn't let us off the hook. He says for us to "proclaim [our faith] from the roofs" (Matt 10:27) and "do not be afraid". Fear is a tool the devil uses to tempt us to hide our faith in the closet. Scripture tells us to fear only God and never man.

Jesus also reminds us we're never alone. He paints an encouraging picture beginning with how God cares for the sparrows and doesn't allow even one to fall to the ground apart from His will. He then explains that we are much more valuable to God than many sparrows. Yes, we may face persecution, but God will be with us each step of the way.

Finally, Jesus promises if we stand up for Him, He will stand up for us. If we will acknowledge Him before men...[sharing our faith, living a life of Truth without compromise, standing boldly for His ways despite the cost]...He will acknowledge us before God in heaven (Matt 10:32).

If Jesus could die for me on the cross, with God's help, I can live for Him!

God, awaken in me a fresh desire to share Your love and the saving knowledge of Jesus with those who are lost. Help me walk fearlessly as I live for You!

Pastor Susan

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