Friday, April 1, 2011

April 1

Deuteronomy 18-20:20; Luke 9:28-50; Psalm 73:1-28; Proverbs 12:10

Mountain top... Valley low

In today's New Testament reading I find one of my favorite pictures of Jesus. The scripture captures the moment that Jesus is seen glorified with his heavenly adornment. It is as if Jesus steps out of the earth realm into heaven before the eyes of Peter, John and James. Moses and Elijah appear before Jesus and we even hear the voice of the Father from heaven speaking on behalf of His Son. Wow what a scene, right? Well, that is not my favorite picture of Jesus in this story. My favorite picture is of Jesus walking down the mountain into the valley below.

Have you ever had a "mountain top" experience in life where it seemed nothing could get any better than that moment? Maybe you had been fighting every obstacle in life and finally made it to the top of your mountain in victory. It may have been a time in your life that you receieved the exact right wisdom or opportunity from out of nowhere. Or maybe it was the day you heard the voice of God on your life, affirming exactly who you are in the eyes of God. Wow, what a day right? But what happens when you get down off the mountain top... valley low.

Even Jesus, after a very, very good mountain top experience had to visit the crowd below in the valley. Notice that life did not stop during the "high times" in His life. As soon as He came down the mountain He faced an evil spirit. Not just an ordinary enemy, listen to a man in the crowd, he said, "I begged your disciples to drive it out, but they could not." This is what I call a "valley low" experience, the times in life when I feel like yelling, "Someone stop this roller coaster!!!" Have you ever felt this way?

I have some good news for us all, Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever more. In the scripture reading, the people surrounding Jesus were amazed at who He was in both situations. It did not matter what circumstances Jesus walked into, He remained a fully glorified God. Mountain top or valley low moments in life do not determine the greatness of God in our lives. So whether you are climbing up or coming down today, I want to remind you to STAY AMAZED at what Jesus can do for you!


Pastor David

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